Cajuput Oil

Cajuput oil is obtained by distillation of leaves, which are collected in autumn. First these leaves are steeped for a night in water and then distilled in copper vessels. The yield is light, thin, and bluish-green in color that has peculiar, agreeable and distinctly camphoraceous odor. It also has an aromatic, bitterish taste with specific gravity of 0.922 to 0.929 at 15° C. (59° F). 

Cajeput essential oil, White tea tree essential oil, Melaleuca cajeputi, White tree essential oil, Swamp tea tree essential oil. 

Angelica, cloves, bergamot, geranium, lavender and thyme. 

Ketone, Terpineol, Terpenes. Limonene, Benzaldehyde, Dipentene, cajeputene hydrate, eucalyptol, cajuputol, solid terpineol 

Cajuput oil helps in cooling down body and helps with infections like colds, laryngitis & bronchitis. It is also helpful for sinusitis, asthma and sore throat. It helps in calming digestive system, enteritis, soothes colic, dysentery and vomiting. Further, spasms, rheumatism, arthritis and muscular aches & pains can also benefit from it.

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