Styrax Benzoin Oil (Sumatra)

We offer Styrax Benzoin Oil that is extracted from the Benzoin tree found exclusively in Java, Sumatra and Thailand. The sap is gathered from the trees using a completely natural process. It has many medicinal properties which makes it an effective antiseptic as well as an excellent preservative. 

Styrax Benzoin. 

Bergamot, coriander, frankincense, juniper, lavender, lemon, myrrh, orange and sandalwood. 

benzoic acid (up to 38 %), partly free and partly combined with benzoresinol and siaresinotannol; vanillin, oily aromatic liquid, styrol, styracin, phenyl-prophyl cinnamate and benzaldehyde, cinnamic acid, pinoresinol, p-coumaryl benzoate

Styrax benzoin is used as an antiseptic in irritable conditions of the skin. It also acts as a carminative and an expectorant and is specially suited to heal inflammation in the urinary tract. As a form of compound tincture of Benzoin, it is used as an inhalant with steam for laryngitis and bronchitis.

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